Most papers are available on the physics
eprint archive
Some of them are reviewed on the MathSciNet
Published paper
- J. du Buisson, T. D. P. Mnyulwa, H. Touchette, Large deviations of the stochastic area for linear diffusions, Phys. Rev. E 108, 044136, 2023. arxiv2307.06245 | published version
- J. du Buisson, H. Touchette, Dynamical large deviations of linear diffusions, Phys. Rev. E 107, 054111, 2023. arxiv:2212.12022 | published version
- F. Coghi, H. Touchette, Adaptive power method for estimating large deviations in Markov chains, Phys. Rev. E 107, 034137, 2023. arxiv:2211.00060 | published version (selected as Editor's suggestion)
- D. Nickelsen, H. Touchette, Noise correction of large deviations with anomalous scaling, Phys. Rev E 105, 064102, 2022. arxiv:2202.07348 | published version
- J. Yan, H. Touchette, G. M. Rotskoff, Learning nonequilibrium control forces to characterize dynamical phase transitions, Phys. Rev. E 105, 024115, 2022. arxiv:2107.03348 | published version
- F. Coghi, R. Chetrite, H. Touchette, Role of current fluctuations in nonreversible samplers, Phys. Rev. E 103, 062142, 2021. arxiv:2103.14150 | published version
- E. Mallmin, J. du Buisson, H. Touchette, Large deviations of currents in diffusions with reflective boundaries, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 295001, 2021. arxiv:2102.04846 | published version
- J. du Buisson, H. Touchette, Dynamical large deviations of reflected diffusions, Phys. Rev. E 102, 012148, 2020.
arxiv:2005.01284 | published version
- A. Guyader, H. Touchette, Efficient large deviation estimation based on importance sampling, J. Stat. Phys. 181, 551, 2020.
arxiv:2003.05274 | published version
- F. den Hollander, S. Majumdar, J. M. Meylahn, H. Touchette, Properties of additive functionals of Brownian motion with resetting, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52, 175001, 2019.
arxiv:1801.09909 | published version
- F. Coghi, J. Morand, H. Touchette, Large deviations of random walks on random graphs, Phys. Rev. E 99, 022137, 2019.
arxiv:1808.00700 | published version
- R. Leonarduzzi, P. Abry, H. Wendt, S. Jaffard, H. Touchette, A generalized multifractal formalism for the estimation of nonconcave multifractal spectral, IEEE Trans. Sign. Proc. 67, 110, 2019.
arxiv:1811.03463 | published version
- P. Tsobgni Nyawo and H. Touchette, Dynamical phase transition in drifted Brownian motion, Phys. Rev. E 98, 052103, 2018.
arxiv:1808.06986 | published version
- D. Nickelsen, H. Touchette, Anomalous scaling of dynamical large deviations, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 090602, 2018.
arxiv:1803.05708 | published version | listed in Nature Index 2019
- D. C. Rose, H. Touchette, I. Lesanovsky, J. P. Garrahan, Spectral properties of simple classical and quantum reset processes, Phys. Rev. E 98, 022129, 2018.
arxiv:1806.01298 | published version
- G. Ferré, H. Touchette, Adaptive sampling of large deviations, J. Stat. Phys. 172, 1525, 2018.
arxiv:1803.11117 | HAL archive | published version | stupid erratum courtesy of Springer
- H. Touchette, Asymptotic equivalence of probability measures and stochastic processes, J. Stat. Phys. 170, 962, 2018.
arxiv:1708.02890 | published version
- C. Nardini, H. Touchette, Process interpretation of current entropic bounds, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 16, 2018.
arxiv:1710.09790 | HAL archive | published version
- H. Touchette, Introduction to dynamical large deviations of Markov processes. Physica A 504, 5, 2018.
arxiv:1705.06492 | published version
Lecture notes for the 2017 FPSP Summer School, Brunico, Italy
- P. Tsobgni Nyawo, H. Touchette, A minimal model of dynamical phase transition, Europhys. Lett. 116, 50009, 2016. arxiv:1611.07707 | published version
- P. Tsobgni Nyawo, H. Touchette, Current large deviations for driven periodic diffusions, Phys. Rev. E 94, 032101, 2016. arxiv:1606.02602 | published version
- R. F. Leonarduzzi, H. Touchette, H. Wendt, P. Abry, S. Jaffard, Generalized Legendre transform multifractal formalism for nonconcave spectrum estimation, in Proc. 2016 IEEE Statistical Signal
Processing Workshop, 2016. HAL archive | published version
- F. Angeletti, H. Touchette, Diffusions conditioned on occupation measures, J. Math. Phys. 57, 023303, 2016. arxiv:1510.04893 | published version
- J. M. Meylahn, S. Sabhapandit, H. Touchette, Large
deviations for Markov processes with resetting, Phys. Rev. E 92,
062148, 2015. arxiv:1510.02431
| published
- R. Chetrite, H. Touchette, Variational
and optimal control representations of the conditioned and driven
processes, J. Stat. Mech. P12001, 2015. arxiv:1506.05291 | HAL archive | published
- C. M. Rohwer, F. Angeletti, H. Touchette, Convergence of large
deviation estimators, Phys. Rev. E 92, 052104, 2015. arxiv:1409.8531 | published version
- H. Touchette, General equivalence and nonequivalence
of ensembles: Thermodynamic, macrostate, and measure levels, J. Stat.
Phys. 159, 987, 2015. arxiv:1403.6608
| published
- R. Chetrite, H. Touchette, Nonequilibrium Markov processes
conditioned on large deviations, Ann. Henri
Poincaré 16, 2005, 2015. arxiv:1405.5157
| HAL archive | published
version (highest cited paper in that journal)
- R. Villavicencio-Sanchez, R.
J. Harris, H. Touchette, Fluctuation relations for anisotropic systems,
Europhys. Lett. 105, 30009, 2014. arxiv:1308.2595 | published version
- F. Angeletti, H. Touchette, E. Bertin, P. Abry, Large deviations
for correlated random variables described by a matrix product ansatz,
J. Stat. Mech. P02003, 2014. arxiv:1310.6952
| published
- J. López Peña, H. Touchette,
A network theory analysis of
football strategies, in C. Clanet (ed), Sports Physics: Proc. Euromech
Physics of Sports Conf., Éditions de l'École
Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2013.
| published
version | football
graphs website
Featured in MIT
Technology Review,, Il
Sole 24 Ore and Bloomberg
Business Week
Also covered on the Kickdex
- Y. Chen, A. Baule, H. Touchette, W. Just, Weak-noise limit of a
piecewise smooth stochastic differential equation, Phys. Rev. E 88,
052103, 2013. arxiv:1307.5227
| published
- R. Chetrite, H. Touchette, Nonequilibrium microcanonical and
canonical ensembles and their equivalence, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111,
120601, 2013. arxiv:1306.4563
| HAL archive | published
- G. Gradenigo, A. Sarracino, A. Puglisi, H. Touchette, Fluctuation
relations without uniform large deviations, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
46, 335002, 2013. arxiv:1303.2851
| published
- A. Gnoli, A. Puglisi, H. Touchette, Granular Brownian motion with
dry friction, Europhys. Lett. 102, 14002, 2013. arxiv:1303.5241 | published version
- H. Touchette,
R. J. Harris, Large deviation approach to nonequilibrium systems, in R.
Klages, W. Just, C. Jarzynski (eds),
Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Small Systems: Fluctuation
Relations and Beyond, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2013. arxiv:1110.5216
| Catalogue
information | Amazon
- H. Touchette, Comment on "Towards a large deviation theory for
strongly correlated systems", Phys. Lett A 377, 436, 2013. arxiv:1209.2611 | published
- H. Touchette, T.
Prellberg, W. Just, Exact power spectra of
Brownian motion with solid
friction, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 395002, 2012. arxiv:1205.4115 | published
- R. Villavicencio-Sanchez, R.
J. Harris, H. Touchette, Current
loops and
fluctuations in the zero-range process on a diamond lattice, J. Stat.
Mech. P07007, 2012. arxiv:
| published
- F. Bouchet, H. Touchette,
Non-classical large deviations for a
with non-isolated attractors, J. Stat. Mech. P05028, 2012. arxiv:1204.6269
| published
- H.
Touchette, Ensemble equivalence for general many-body systems,
Europhys. Lett. 96, 50010, 2011. arxiv:1106.2979
| published
- H. Touchette, A basic
introduction to large deviations: Theory,
applications, simulations, in R. Leidl and A. K. Hartmann (eds),
Computational Science 11: Lecture Notes from the 3rd
Oldenburg Summer School, BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky
Universitat Oldenburg, 2011. arxiv:1106.4146
| errata at the end of the arxiv version | summer school website
- A.
Baule, H. Touchette, E.
G. D.
Cohen, Stick-slip motion of solids
with dry friction subject to random
vibrations and an external field, Nonlinearity 24, 351, 2011. arxiv:1008.3531
| published
article of Nonlinearity
- H. Touchette, E. Van der
Straeten, W. Just, Brownian motion
with dry friction: Fokker-Planck
approach, J. Phys.
A: Math. Theor. 43, 445002, 2010. arxiv:1008.3331
| published
- H.
Touchette, Methods for
calculating nonconcave entropies, J. Stat. Mech. P05008, 2010. arxiv:1003:0382
| published
Special JSTAT issue on Long-range
Interacting Systems
- H.
Touchette, R. J. Harris, J. Tailleur, First-order
phase transitions from poles in
asymptotic representations of partition functions, Phys. Rev. E 81,
030101(R), 2010. arxiv:0912.3679
| published
- A. Baule, E. G. D. Cohen, H.
Touchette, Path integral
approach to random motion with
nonlinear friction, J. Phys. A:
Math. Theor. 43, 025003, 2010. arxiv:0910.4663
published version
- R. J. Harris, H. Touchette,
fluctuations in stochastic systems with
long-range memory, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.
42, 342001, 2009. arxiv:0904.1585
| published
- H. Touchette, The large
deviation approach to statistical
mechanics, Phys. Rep. 478, 1-69,
2009. arxiv:0804.0327
| published
Listed in the top 25 physics articles on ScienceDirect
for July-September 2009
Listed in the top 25 articles published in Physics
Report for
- H. Touchette,
E. G. D. Cohen, Anomalous
fluctuation properties, Phys. Rev. E 80, 011114, 2009. arxiv:0903.3869
| published
- F. J. Cao, M. Feito, H.
Touchette, Information and
flux in a feedback controlled
Brownian ratchet, Physica A
388, 113, 2009. cond-mat/0703492
| published
- H. Erzgräber, F.
J.-M. Zaldívar, H. Touchette, E. Gutiérrez, D. K.
Arrowsmith, Time series
analysis and long range
of Nordic spot electricity market data, Physica A 387, 6567, 2008. published
- M. Costeniuc, R.S. Ellis,
Touchette, B. Turkington, Global
optimization, the Gaussian
ensemble, and universal ensemble equivalence, in M. Pinsky and B.
(eds), Geometry, Probability, and Integrable
Systems, Cambridge
University Press, 2008. MSRI
| Catalogue
information | Amazon
| cond-mat/0605658
- H. Touchette, Simple spin
models with non-concave entropies, Am. J. Phys. 76, 26, 2008. cond-mat/0504020
(long version) | cond-mat/0504020
version) | published
- H. Touchette, E. G. D.
Cohen, Fluctuation
relation for a
Lévy particle, Phys. Rev. E.
76, 020101(R), 2007. cond-mat/0703254
| published
- A. Campa, S. Ruffo, H.
Touchette, Negative
magnetic susceptibility and
nonequivalent ensembles for the mean-field φ4
spin model, Physica A 385, 233,
2007. cond-mat/0702004
| published
- H. Touchette, C. Beck,
entropies in multifractals and
the thermodynamic formalism, J. Stat.
Phys. 125, 455, 2006. cond-mat/0507379
| published
- M. Costeniuc, R.S. Ellis, H.
Touchette, Nonconcave
entropies from generalized
canonical ensembles, Phys. Rev.
E 74, 010105(R), 2006. cond-mat/0605213
| published
- H. Touchete, M. Costeniuc,
R.S. Ellis, B.
Turkington, Metastability
within the generalized
canonical ensemble, Physica A 365, 132, 2006. cond-mat/0509802
| published
- M. Costeniuc, R.S. Ellis, H.
Touchette, B.
Turkington, Generalized
canonical ensembles and
ensemble equivalence, Phys. Rev. E 73, 026105, 2006. cond-mat/0505218
| published
- H.
Touchette, Comment on
"First-order phase transition:
equivalence between bimodalities and the Yang-Lee theorem", Physica A
359, 375, 2006. cond-mat/0503029
| published
- H. Touchette, R.S. Ellis,
ensembles and
metastability, in Complexity, Metastability
and Nonextensivity, C. Beck, G. Benedek, A. Rapisarda, C. Tsallis
(eds), World Scientific, 2005. Catalogue
information | Amazon
- M.
Costeniuc, R.S. Ellis, H. Touchette, B. Turkington, The generalized
canonical ensemble and
its universal equivalence with the microcanonical ensemble, J. Stat.
Phys. 119,
1283, 2005.
cond-mat/0408681 | published
- R.S. Ellis, P. Otto and H.
Touchette, Analysis of
phase transitions in the
mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths model, Ann. Appl. Prob. 15, 2203,
cond-mat/0409047 | published
- M. Costeniuc,
R.S. Ellis, H. Touchette, Complete
analysis of phase transitions
and ensemble equivalence for the Curie-Weiss-Potts model, J. Math.
Phys. 46, 063301, 2005. cond-mat/0410744
| published
- H.
Touchette and C. Beck, Asymptotics of
superstatistics, Phys. Rev. E 71, 016131, 2005.
cond-mat/0408091 | published
- H. Touchette, R.S. Ellis,
B. Turkington, An introduction
to the thermodynamic and
macrostate levels of nonequivalent ensembles, Physica A 340, 138,
cond-mat/0404655 |
published version
- R.S. Ellis, H. Touchette, B.
Turkington, Thermodynamic
versus statistical
nonequivalence of ensembles for the mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths
model, Physica A 335, 518,
cond-mat/0303007 |
published version
- H. Touchette, S. Lloyd,
approach to the
study of control systems, Physica A 331,
140, 2004. physics/0104007
published version
- H. Touchette, Temperature
fluctuations and mixtures of
equilibrium states in the canonical ensemble, in M.
Gell-Mann, C. Tsallis (eds), Nonextensive Entropy - Interdisciplinary
Applications, Oxford University Press, 2004. Catalogue
| Amazon
| cond-mat/0212301
- C.
Hauptmann, H. Touchette, M.C. Mackey, Information
capacity and pattern
formation in a tent map network featuring statistical periodicity,
Phys. Rev. E 67, 026217,
published version
- H. Touchette, When is a
quantity additive,
and when is
it extensive?, Physica A 305, 84, 2002.
cond-mat/0201134 |
published version
- H. Touchette, S. Lloyd,
limits of control, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1156, 2000.
chao-dyn/9905039 |
published version
Work featured in the AIP
Physics News Update, the
News and the MIT
Undergraduate Research Journal (MURJ)
- S. Allen, H. Touchette, S.
Moukouri, Y.M. Vilk,
A.-M. S. Tremblay, Role of symmetry
and dimension on
pseudogap phenomena, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4128, 1999. cond-mat/9904436
published version
- H.
Nélisse, C. Bourbonnais, H. Touchette, Y.M. Vilk, A.-M. S.
Tremblay, Spin
susceptibility of interacting
electrons in one dimension: Luttinger liquid and lattice effects, Eur.
Phys. J. B 12, 351, 1999.
cond-mat/9903046 | published
- Y.M. Vilk, S. Allen, H.
Touchette, S. Moukouri, L. Chen,
A.-M.S. Tremblay, Attractive
Hubbard model and
single-particle pseudogap due to classical pairing fluctuations in two
dimensions, Phys. Chem. Solids 59, 1873, 1998.
cond-mat/9710013 |
published version
In preparation
- H. Touchette, Large deviations: From physics to mathematics and
- R. Chetrite, H. Touchette, Transformations and Symmetries of
Markov Processes. Book.
- H. Touchette, Large Deviations in Statistical Physics. Book.
- H. Touchette, Translation of "Sur un nouveau théorème limite dans la théorie des probabilités" (On a new limit theorem in probability theory) by H. Cramér, 1938. arxiv:1802.05988
| pdf with links to endnotes
- H. Touchette, David’s Life as an Architect, in Non-Trivial Cycles: A Festschrift for David Poulin (In memory of David Poulin), 2020.
- D. Poulin, H. Touchette, Comment on "Some non-conventional ideas about algorithmic complexity". cs.OH/0503034
- V. Poulin, H. Touchette, On a generalization of the logistic map. nlin.CD/0003017
- H. Touchette, Comment on "Entropy Generation in Computation and the Second law of Thermodynamics". chao-dyn/9902017
- Information-theoretic aspects in the control of dynamical systems, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2000. letter paper
- Equivalence and Nonequivalence of the Microcanonical and Canonical Ensembles: A Large Deviations Study, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics, McGill University, December 2003. letter paper
| letter paper 2 pages in 1 | a4 paper
| a4 paper 2 pages in 1
Notes on large deviations, stochastic processes, etc.
Some are not available freely - contact me if you want a copy.
- Summary of large deviations theory. pdf
- Large deviation principle. pdf
- Markov processes and diffusions. pdf
- Stochastic calculus. pdf
- Feynman-Kac formula. pdf
- Cameron-Martin-Girsanov formula. pdf
- Large deviation theory of Markov processes. pdf
- Donsker-Varadhan theory. pdf
- Freidlin-Wentzell-Graham theory. pdf
- Density-current joint (level 2.5) LDP. pdf
- Level 3 large deviations: Pair empirical distribution, k-tuples and empirical process. pdf
- McKean-Vlasov theory and hydrodynamic fluctuation theory. pdf
- Large deviation sampling. pdf
- Sources on quantum large deviations. pdf
- Large deviations in noise-perturbed dynamical systems. pdf
- Malliavin calculus. pdf
- Stochastic approximations and optimization. pdf
Other documents
- Mathematica commands summary (cheat sheet). pdf
- Common formulae of information theory (cheat sheet). pdf
- Equivalence of statistical-mechanical ensembles: A collection of quotes and notes. pdf
- Legendre-Fenchel transforms in a nutshell. pdf
- Elements of convex analysis. pdf
- Feuille d'épices. pdf [French]
Book, articlereviews, others
- 'Microcanonical Thermodynamics: Phase Transitions in "Small" Systems' by D. H. E. Gross. Book review for MathSciNet. published version
- H. Touchette, Answer to Problem 191.8, Infinite exponentiation of M500-191, M500 Magazine, May 2008. pdf
- MathSciNet
HT 2017