65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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Day 2 schedule (Weds 07 Dec) - Room 1003:

Session chair:R Roux
09:25-09:50Imran AllieUniversity of Cape TownResistance and flow-resistance in snarks
09:50-10:15Eunice Mphako-BandaUniversity of the WitwatersrandOn closed sets and the \(k\)-defect polynomials of certain graphs
10:45-11:10Peter DankelmannUniversity of JohannesburgDistances and a generalisation of cages
11:10-11:35Simon MukwembiUniversity of the WitwatersrandAverage distance, minimum degree, and irregularity index
11:35-12:00Sonwabile MafundaUniversity of JohannesburgOn proximity and remoteness in directed graphs
Session chair:P Dankelmann
14:25-14:50Alex AlochukwuUniversity of the WitwatersrandBounds on the fault-(edge)-diameter of graphs
14:50-15:15Brandon Du PreezUniversity of Cape TownThe degree diameter problem for plane graphs with large faces
15:45-16:10Masreshaw Temere KassayeStellenbosch UniversityThe number of small weakly connected components in random directed acyclic graphs
16:10-16:35Christo KrielUniversity of the WitwatersrandThe mincut graph of a graph
16:35-17:00Riana RouxStellenbosch UniversityThe localization number of outerplanar graphs