65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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Investigation on an integral formula for the quantum 6j symbols
Hosana Ranaivomanana, Stellenbosch University

SAMS Subject Classification Number: 12

I investigate a conjectural integral formula for the quantum 6j symbols suggested by Bruce Bartlett. For that I consider the asymptotics of the integral and compare it with the known formula for the asymptotics of the quantum 6j symbols due to Taylor and Woodward. Taylor and Woodward’s formula can be rewritten as a sum of two quantities: ins and bound. The asymptotics of the integral splits into an interior and boundary contribution. I successfully computed the interior contribution using the stationary phase method. The result is indeed quite similar to although not exactly the same as ins. Though I expect the boundary contribution to be similar to bound, the computation is left for future work.