65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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Spatiotemporal dynamics of mutualist populations in a moving habitat
Andriamihaja Ramanantoanina\(^*\), University of Pretoria

SAMS Subject Classification Number: 5

As the global climate changes, different species have limited options for their survival: to move and follow their suitable habitat or to stay and adapt to the changing conditions. The dynamics of populations following a moving habitat have been investigated in the literature using reaction diffusion equations and / or integrodifference equations. Commonly, the focus is on the dynamics of single species and on negative interspecific interactions such as competition. In this talk, we discuss the dynamics of mutualistic populations in a moving habitat using models based on integrodifference equations. We consider the cases in which the habitat quality affects both the growth and dispersal processes. We start with an investigation of the spatiotemporal dynamics the populations when the habitat is moving at a constant velocity, then discuss the frequency of extinction and the time to extinction in a moving habitat with varying velocity.