65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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Solutions and conserved vectors for the Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama equation of plasma physics
Karabo Plaatjie\(^*\) and Chaudry Masood Khalique, International Institute for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, North-West University

SAMS Subject Classification Number: 3, 22

In this talk, we study the two-dimensional Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama equation [1] using Lie symmetry analysis [2]. Firstly, Lie point symmetries are obtained and used to perform symmetry reductions. As a result of symmetry reductions, equation is reduced to several nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which we solve with the help of different techniques. Moreover, the derived solutions are illustrated graphically for some parametric values. Furthermore, the conserved vectors are computed using the classical Noether’s theorem [3].


[1] Z.Q. Li, S.F. Tian, H. Wang, J.J. Yang, T.T. Zhang, Characteristics of the lump, lumpoff and rouge wave solutions in a (3+1)-dimensional generalized potential Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama equation, Mod. Phys. Lett. B., (2019) 1950291.

[2] N.H. Ibragimov, Elementary Lie Group Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, NY, 1999

[3] E. Noether, Invariante variations probleme, Nachr. d. König. Gesellsch. d. Wiss. zu Göttingen, Math-phys. Klasse., 2 (1918) 235–257