65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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Panel discussion on tertiary mathematics education
Panel Chair: Pragashni Padayachee, (University of Cape Town)
Panel Organiser: Rina Durandt, (University of Johannesburg)

SAMS Subject Classification Number: 16

The transition between school and university, especially for disciplines such as mathematics has over several years been a cause for concern. In an everchanging society and in unequal educational environments this discussion seems even more relevant. Furthermore, empirical studies (such as TIMSS) shine a negative light on student performance and retention, particularly for students who plan to enter tertiary mathematics courses. The study of mathematics has an important bearing on the success of students in the STEM field and research studies raise concerns about the transition from high school to university and students’ preparedness to study higher education mathematics. Even for students who meet the requirements for STEM courses, mathematics problems still persist, and the lack of mathematical preparedness and mathematical proficiency remain a barrier for student success. So, the question arises: how will possible changes to the Grade 12 curriculum (or trimming of the curriculum) in the South African context influence students’ learning of tertiary mathematics? The panel discussion will address this question by incorporating the views and arguments from specialists from different perspectives.

Panellists include: (i) Mrs Razzia Ebrahim (Western Cape Education Department), education specialist and curriculum advisor for FET mathematics ; (ii) Dr Robert Prince (University of Cape Town), Lead investigator for the DHET funded Diagnostic Mathematics Information for Students Retention and Success Project (DMISRS) ; (iii) Dr Erna Lampen (University of Stellenbosch), researcher in mathematics education with experience in curriculum development and the professional development of mathematics teachers; and (iv) Dr Cerene Rathilal (University of Johannesburg), researcher in pure mathematics and first-year mathematics lecturer, with experience in community projects for school learners.

The panel discussion will consider views on the content and pedagogy of Grade 12 mathematics on the one hand and tertiary mathematics on the other, suggest ways to address the gap between the transition from school to university, consider how mathematics learning from earlier grades might impact this transition, debate how ‘trimming’ of the secondary mathematics curriculum might impact learning in the tertiary environment, and make suggestions for possible interventions and changes to the tertiary curriculum and pedagogy needed to address this transition between environments.