65th SAMS Congress
06-08 December 2022
Stellenbosch University
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A comparison on new integral transforms
H. Jafari, University of South Africa

SAMS Subject Classification Number: 12, 16, 23

Integral transforms are important to solve real problems. Appropriate choice of integral transforms helps to convert differential equations as well as integral equations into terms of an algebraic equation that can be solved easily [1,2].

During last two decades many integral transforms in the class of Laplace transform are introduced such as Sumudu, Elzaki, Natural, Aboodh, Pourreza, Mohand, G_transform, Sawi and Kamal transforms.

In this work, we compare some integral transforms in the class of Laplace transform which are introduced during last few decades. After that we propose a general integral transforms which is covered all of those integral transforms [1].


[1] H. Jafari, A new general integral transform for solving integral equations, Journal of Advanced Research 32 (2021), 133–138.

[2] M. Meddahi, H. Jafari and X-J Yang, Towards new general double integral transform and its applications to differential equations, Math Meth Appl Sci. 45 (2022), 1916–1933.