Research done within the division can be divided roughly into four main streams. Visit the websites of relevant staff members for further details. Die navorsing wat in die afdeling gedoen word kan rofweg in vier hoofstrome verdeel word. Besoek die webblaaie van betrokke personeellede vir verdere besonderhede.
Computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learningRekenaarvisie, patroonherkenning en masjienleer
Automated recognition systems, reconstruction of 3D data from images, tracking of objects in video sequences, vision in robotics, image processing and handwriting analysis. Geoutomatiseerde herkenningstelsels, rekonstruksie van 3D data uit beelde, volg van voorwerpe in video-reekse, visie in robotika, beelverwerking en handskrifanalise.Fluid dynamics and modellingVloeidinamika en -modellering
Transport phenomena in porous media: permeability, diffusion, dispersion, non-Newtonian flow, heat transfer, electrical conduction and percolation. Computational fluid dynamics. Oordragsverskynsels in poreuse media: permeabiliteit, diffusie, dispersie, nie-Newtoniese vloei, warmte-oordrag, elektriese geleiding en perkolasie. Numeriese vloeisimulasie.Numerical analysis and scientific computingNumeriese analise en wetenskaplike berekening
Numerical solution of differential equations, matrix computations, numerical integration, computation of special functions and integral transforms, mathematical software. Numeriese oplossing van differensiaalvergelykings, matriksbewerkings, numeriese integrasie, berekening van spesiale funksies en integraaltransforms, wiskundige sagteware.Applied discrete mathematicsToegepaste diskrete wiskunde
Graph theory and coding theory. Grafiekteorie en kodeerteorie.You can find out more about some of our current research projects in this booklet or in this presentation.
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