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What is Applied Mathematics?Wat is Toegepaste Wiskunde?

Mathematics and computational science are utilized in almost every discipline of science, engineering, industry, and technology. Students wondering what kind of career they can have with a degree in applied mathematics should take a look at this brochure by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Wiskunde en wetenskaplike berekening word in bykans elke wetenskaplike, ingenieurs-, industriƫle en tegnologiese disipline gebruik. Studente wat wonder watse tipe loopbane hulle met 'n graad in Toegepaste Wiskunde kan betree, kan gerus na hierdie brosjure van die Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) kyk.

Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mathematics form the three divisions of the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University. Applied Mathematics also has strong links with the Faculty of Engineering. Toegepaste Wiskunde vorm saam met Rekenaarwetenskap en Wiskunde die drie afdelings van die Departement van Wiskundige Wetenskappe in die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Toegepaste Wiskunde het ook sterk bande met Fakulteit Ingenieurswese.

There are currently 15 academic members of staff and about 30 postgraduate students in the Division of Applied Mathematics. We are based on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors in the eastern wing of the General Engineering building (in Banghoek Road). Daar is tans 15 akademiese personeellede en ongeveer 30 nagraadse studente in die Afdeling Toegepaste Wiskunde. Ons is op die 2de, 3de en 4de vloere in die oostelike vleuel van die Algemene Ingenieursgebou (in Banghoekweg) gebaseer.

A short summary of the activities taking place in the division can be found in this leaflet: English / Afrikaans.

'n Kort opsomming van die onderrig en navorsing wat in die afdeling plaasvind, kan gevind word in hierdie pamflet: Afrikaans / Engels.

Information regarding the BSc in Mathematics Sciences at Stellenbosch University can be found in this pamphlet.

Inligting oor die BSc in Wiskundige Wetenskappe aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch kan in hierdie pamflet gevind word.

Current researchNavorsingsaktiwiteite:

Current research activities in the division can be divided broadly into the following categories: Huidige navorsingsaktiwiteite binne die afdeling kan breedweg in die volgende kategorieë opgedeel word:

  • Computer vision, pattern recognition and machine learningRekenaarvisie, patroonherkenning en masjienleer
  • Fluid dynamics and modellingVloeidinamika en -modellering
  • Numerical analysis and scientific computingNumeriese analise en wetenskaplike berekening
  • Applied discrete mathematicsToegepaste diskrete wiskunde

You can find out more about some of our current research projects in this booklet or in this presentation.

Jy kan meer uitvind oor sommige van ons huidige navorsingsprojekte in hierdie boekie of in hierdie aanbieding.

Alternatively, take a look at these posters (click to enlarge):