Journals papers
- S. Woudberg, J.P. Du Plessis and G.J.F. Smit (2006) Non-Newtonian purely viscous flow through isotropic granular porous media,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 61, no.13, pp. 4299-4308 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- S. Woudberg and J.P. Du Plessis (2008) Predicting the permeability of very low porosity sandstones,
Transport in Porous Media, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 39-55 (Impact factor: 2.9).
- J.P. Du Plessis and S. Woudberg (2008) Pore-scale derivation of the Ergun equation to enhance its adaptability and generalization,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 2576-2586 (Impact factor: 4.1; Citations: 158).
- E. Du Plessis, S. Woudberg and J.P. Du Plessis (2010) Pore-scale modelling of diffusion in unconsolidated porous structures,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 2541-2551 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- S. Izquierdo, J.R. Valdès, M. Martìnez, M. Accolti, S. Woudberg, P. Asinari, M. Miana and J.P. Du Plessis (2010) Porous-layer model for laminar liquid flow in rough microchannels, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1063-1075 (Impact factor: 2.4).
- P.D. De Wet, J.P. Du Plessis and S. Woudberg (2011) Application of power addition as modelling technique for flow processes: Two case studies,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 1923-1931 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- S. Woudberg, M.C. Van Heyningen, L. Le Coq, J. Legrand and J.P. Du Plessis (2014) Analytical determination of the effect of compression on the permeability of fibrous porous media, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 112, pp. 108-115 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- A. Els-Botes, H. Fidder, S. Woudberg and P.J. McGrath (2014) Mechanical characterisation of the effect of various forming processes applied to Commercially Pure Titanium, Materials Characterization, vol. 96, pp. 206-212 (Impact factor: 4.8).
- S. Woudberg and J.P. Du Plessis (2016) An analytical Ergun-type equation for porous foams,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 148, pp. 44-54 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- E. Dumont, S. Woudberg and J. Van Jaarsveld (2016) Assessment of porosity and biofilm thickness in packed beds using porous media models,
Powder Technology, vol. 303, pp. 76-89 (Impact factor: 4.5).
- S. Woudberg (2017) Permeability prediction of an analytical pore-scale model for layered and isotropic fibrous porous media,
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 164, pp. 232-245 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- S. Woudberg, F. Theron, E. Lys and L. Le Coq (2018) Investigating the influence of local porosity variations and anisotropy effects on the permeability of fibrous media for air filtration, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 180, pp. 70-78 (Impact factor: 4.1).
- S. Woudberg, J. Van Jaarsveld and E. Dumont (2019) Predicting the pressure drop of a biofilter and the specific surface area of the packing material, Powder Technology, vol. 342, pp. 233-245 (Impact factor: 4.5).
- S. Woudberg, E. Mare, M.C. Van Heyningen, F. Theron and L. Le Coq (2021) Predicting the permeability
and specific surface area of compressed and uncompressed fibrous media
including the Klinkenberg effect, Powder Technology, vol. 377, pp. 488-505 (Impact factor: 4.5).
- Y.H. Nkocko Awountsa, G.P.J. Diedericks, G.J.F. Smit and S. Woudberg (2022) Analytical prediction of the formation factor for isotropic mono-sized
unconsolidated porous media, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 264, pp. 118138(1-21) (Impact factor: 4.1).
- E. Mare and S. Woudberg (2023) A comparative study of geometric models for predicting permeability coefficients and specific surface areas of fibrous porous media, Transport in Porous Media, vol. 148, pp. 383-416 (Impact factor: 2.8).
- E. Mare and S. Woudberg (2025) Geometric models for incorporating solid accumulation at the nodes of open-cell foams, Journal of Porous Media, vol. 28(2), pp. 1-28 (Impact factor: 2.5).
- Y.H. Nkocko Awountsa, G.P.J. Diedericks, G.J.F. Smit and S. Woudberg (2025) Analytical prediction of the formation factor for
anisotropic mono-sized unconsolidated porous media, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 301, pp. 120720(1-19) (Impact factor: 4.1).
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
- S. Woudberg, J.P. Du Plessis and G.J.F. Smit (2005) On the hydrodynamic permeability of granular porous media,
in Some Aspects of Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Editor: S.N. Bora), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology (ICEFM'05), Guwahati, Assam, India, 3-5 March 2005, Allied Publishers PVT.LTD., New Delhi, India, pp. 277-283.
- B.M. Halvorsen, J.P. Du Plessis and S. Woudberg (2006) The Performance of Drag Models on Flow Behaviour in the CFD Simulation of a Fluidized Bed, in Advances in Fluid Mechanics VI, vol. 52 (Editors: M. Rahman and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics (AFM VI), Skiathos, Greece, 8-10 May 2006, WIT Press, UK, pp. 3-12 (invited paper).
- S. Woudberg, J.P. Du Plessis and B.M. Halvorsen (2008) A variable porosity drag model for predicting bubble behaviour in fluidized beds,
(T. Hadley and P. Smit, editors), Proceedings of the Industrial Fluidization of South Africa conference (IFSA 2008), Cradle of Humankind, Johannesburg, South Africa, 19-20 November 2008, The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposium Series S53, pp. 234-245. ISBN: 978-1-920211-20-2.
- E. Du Plessis and S. Woudberg (2009) Modelling of Diffusion in Porous Structures,
in Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow V (Editors: A.A. Mammoli and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow (Multiphase Flow V), New Forest, UK, 15-17 June 2009, WIT Press, UK, pp. 399-408.
- C. Rautenbach, B.M. Halvorsen, E. Du Plessis, S. Woudberg and J.P. Du Plessis (2009) Measurement and prediction for air flow drag in different packing materials, in Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow V (Editors: A.A. Mammoli and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow (Multiphase Flow V) , New Forest, UK, 15-17 June 2009, WIT Press, UK, pp. 409-419.
- S. Woudberg and J.P. Du Plessis (2010) An adaptable analytical Ergun-type equation for high porosity spongelike porous media,
in Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry (Editor: K. Vafai), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, Montecatini, Italy, 20-25 June 2010, AIP, New York, pp. 3-8.
- J.P. Du Plessis, S. Woudberg and L. Le Coq (2010) Modelling and analysis of permeability of anisotropic compressed non-woven filters,
in Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry (Editor: K. Vafai), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, Montecatini, Italy, 20-25 June 2010, AIP, New York, pp. 272-277.
- S. Woudberg (2012) A geometric pore-scale model for predicting the permeability of 3D flow through fibrous porous media,
in Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry (Editor: K. Vafai), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry, Potsdam, Germany, 17-22 June 2012, AIP, New York, pp. 327-332.
- H. Fidder, A. Botes, S. Woudberg and P.J. McGrath (2013) Characterization of microstructure and fatigue life of CP titanium grade 2 specimens subject to various bending processes, in Surface effects and contact mechanics VI (Editors: J.Th.M. De Hosson and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Contact and Surface, Siena, Italy, 5-7 June 2013, WIT Press, UK, pp. 25-33.
- S. Woudberg (2013) Investigation of the effect of compression on a soft fibrous porous medium,
in Multiphase Flow VII (Editors: C.A. Brebbia and P. Vorobieff), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, A Coruña, Spain, 3-5 July 2013, WIT Press, UK, pp. 351-361.
- H. Fidder, A. Els-Botes, S. Woudberg, P.J. McGrath, V. Ocelik and J.Th.M. De Hosson (2015) A study of microstructural, fatigue and residual stress evolution in titanium plates deformed by mechanical and laser bending, in Contact and Surface 2015 (Editors: J.Th.M. De Hosson, M. Hadfield and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in Surface and Contact Mechanics including Tribology, Valencia, Spain, 21-23 April 2015.
- S. Woudberg, J. Van Jaarsveld and E. Dumont (2016) Analytical determination of the effect of biofilm growth on the pressure drop over a biofilter, Proceedings of the World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Prague, Czech Republic, 4-5 April 2016.
- J. Van Jaarsveld and S. Woudberg (2017) An empirical versus analytical approach for modelling biofilm growth in biofilters, in Multiphase Flow IX (Editors: P. Vorobieff and C.A. Brebbia), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, Tallinn, Estonia, 20-22 June 2017, WIT Press, UK, pp. 143-152.
- E. Maré and S. Woudberg (2019) A geometric versus kinetic modelling approach for characterizing porous media foams, in Multiphase Flow IX (Editors: S Hernández and P. Vorobieff), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, Lisbon, Portugal, 21-23 May 2019, WIT Press, UK, pp. 191-202.
- E. Maré and S. Woudberg (2023) Analytical determination of the geometrical properties of open-celled metal foams under compression, Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Editor: O. Andersen), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic foams, Dresden Radebeul, Germany, 5-7 July 2023, Materials Research Forum, USA, pp. 32-41.
MSc Thesis and PhD dissertation