
Color Processing
6.1 Color Fundamentals
6.2 Color Models
6a Image conventions [25min, 52Mb]
6b Color perception [28min,48Mb]
6c Color models [28min, 44Mb]

Assignment 1 covers the work of this chapter.
Intensity TF's & Spatial Filtering
3.1 Background
3.2 Intensity transformations
3.3 Histogram equalization
3a Point TF's [32min, 74Mb]
3b Histogram Eq. [22min, 48Mb]

Assignment 2 covers the work of this chapter.
Frequency Filtering
4.1 - 4.6 Fourier Analysis
Notes of Fourier Analysis
Read sections 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 before starting with Chapter 2 on p.26

Fourier Intro [17min, 25Mb]
Fourier Intro (continued) [8min, 15Mb]
Convolution [18min, 30Mb]
FA and Images [21min, 41Mb]
Filtering (1) [15min, 25Mb]
Filtering (2) [5min, 12Mb]
Some MATLAB functions
MATLAB FILTERdigitize (as a PDF)

Assignment 3 covers the work of this chapter.
5.1 Model of image degradation
5.2 Noise models
5.3 Restoration of images with noise - Spatial filtering
5.8 The Wiener filter

No screencasts
Assignment 4 covers the work of this chapter.
Morphological Filering
9.1 Introduction to morphological filtering
9.2 Erosion and dilation
9.3 Opening and closing
9.4 The hit-or-miss transform
9.5 Morphological algorithms
9.6 Gray scale morphological filtering
9a Morphological Filt. [21min, 36Mb]
9b Example [17min, 32Mb]
9c Hit-Miss TF [18min, 33Mb]

Assignment 5 covers the work of this chapter.
Edge detection & Fourier Description
10.2 Point, Line and Edge detection (especially Canny)
10.3 Thresholding (especially Otsu)
11.2.3 Fourier descriptors
11a Fourier Description [27min, 52Mb]

Assignment 6 covers the work of these chapters.