import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as npla import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def ode23(f, tspan, y0, tol=1e-6): ''' function [tt, yy] = ode324(f, tspan, y0, tol) ODE324 - ODE IVP sovler by Dr Hale and TW324 class 2017 INPUTS: A function handle f = @(t,y) ... such that dy/dt = f(t,y) The times span tspan(1) < t tol): # Error is too large! if (flag == 0): # Try the new time step flag = 1; # Set flag to remember failure else: # Time step failed hnew = h/2.0; # Take half of old one else: # Error is small enough! # Store solution and move to next time yn = yn1 t = t + h; yy = np.hstack((yy, yn1)); tt = np.hstack((tt, t)); # Successful step. Set flag to happy. flag = 0; # Choose next step (ensure we finish at the end of the interval!) h = min(hnew, tend - t); # Transpose for convenience tt = tt.T yy = yy.T # Plot first component of solution plt.subplot(211) plt.plot(tt, yy) plt.title('First component of solution') # Plot time steps as a function of time dtt = tt[2:-1] - tt[1:-2] plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(tt[2:-1], dtt) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylabel('Time steps') plt.title('No. of time steps = %s'%np.size(tt)) return (tt, yy)